

发表于 2023-9-11 17:52:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

模块 1:常用英语单词


  1. Complaint (投诉) - 客人表达不满或不满足的情感或问题。

  2. Dissatisfaction (不满) - 客人感到不满或不满足的情感。

  3. Resolution (解决办法) - 处理问题或纠纷的方法。

  4. Apology (道歉) - 表示歉意或遗憾的表达。

  1. Compensation (赔偿) - 补偿客户不满的行为,通常以物质形式。

  2. Feedback (反馈) - 客人提供的意见、建议或评价。

  3. Customer service (客户服务) - 提供给客户的服务和支持。

  4. (同情心) - 理解和共感客户的感受。

  5. Issue (问题) - 需要解决或处理的客户问题。

  6. Listen (听取) - 仔细聆听客户的需求和投诉。

  7. Resolve (解决) - 处理和解决问题。

  8. Satisfy (满意) - 让客户对服务或解决办法感到满意。

  9. Understand (理解) - 理解客户的感受和需求。

  10. Refund (退款) - 退还客户支付的费用。

  11. Policy (政策) - 公司或机构制定的规则和标准。

模块 2:英语对话示例


对话示例 1

客人:I have a complaint about my room.
值班经理:I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please explain the issue?

客人:The air conditioning doesn't work, and it's too hot in here.
值班经理:I apologize for the inconvenience. We will have our maintenance team fix the air conditioning immediately.

对话示例 2

客人:I'm not satisfied with the service in the restaurant.

值班经理:I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what specifically you were not satisfied with?

客人:The waitstaff seemed inattentive, and the food took a long time to arrive.

值班经理:Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will address this issue with the restaurant staff to improve our service.

模块 3:英语模拟练习


模拟练习 1



值班经理:I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your room. Can you please explain what aspects of the room are causing discomfort for you?

客人:The air conditioning doesn't work properly, and it's too warm in the room.

值班经理:I apologize for the inconvenience. We will have our maintenance team check the air conditioning and ensure it's working correctly to make your stay more comfortable. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

模拟练习 2



值班经理:I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your dining experience.

Can you please tell me more about what specifically you found disappointing?

客人:The food quality and taste are not up to the standard I expected.

值班经理:I apologize for the inconvenience. We take the quality of our cuisine seriously, and your feedback is valuable.

We will address this with our culinary team to ensure improvements in the future. Is there anything else we can do to make your dining experience better?





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