赵圆堃先生近日,温州城中希尔顿酒店正式任命赵圆堃先生(Tony Zhao)为人力资源总监,全面负责酒店的人力资源及培训工作。
近日,洲际酒店集团正式任命王玥女士(Ms. Jill Wang)为合肥融侨皇冠假日酒店人力资源总监,她将全面负责酒店人力资源部的整体运作与管理工作,规划并执行人力资源战略,为酒店带来崭新活力。
Recently, IHG Hotels&Resorts officially appointed Ms. Jill Wang as the Director of Human Resources of Crowne Plaza Hefei Rongqiao. She will be fully responsible for the overall operation and management of the hotel's Human Resources Department, plan and implement the human resources strategy, and bring new vitality to the hotel.
Ms. Jill Wang has 10 years of experience in frontline hotel operations and 9 years of experience in the field of human resources. She has accumulated rich knowledge and experience in hotel management, excellent leadership and communication skills, and her career goal is to create hotel operation personnel. Prior to this new appointment, Ms. Jill Wang had worked in multiple international brand hotels and served as the head of human resources, leading the team to carry out human resources work for multiple hotels during the preparation and operation period. She is confident and skilled in communicating with others, and has mature and unique insights in talent cultivation, corporate culture construction, and dissemination.
I believe that Ms. Jill Wang 's joining will lead the human resources team to create a thriving work environment, create more sense of belonging for employees, and continue to provide full support to hotel operations.
长白山鲁能圣地瑞士酒店 &
刘银洲先生近日,长白山鲁能圣地瑞士酒店 & 望·长白鲁能美憬阁精选酒店宣布任命刘银洲先生为复合型酒店财务总监。长白山鲁能圣地瑞士酒店 & 望·长白鲁能美憬阁精选酒店是法国雅高集团旗下奢华精选酒店,酒店位于长白山鲁能圣地,这里既融合东西方文化,又兼具浪漫主义色彩。酒店位于海拔999米的景区制高点,长白山的绮丽壮美尽收眼底,林海波涛与之相得益彰,是远离城市喧嚣的宁静谧境。
蔚厚杰先生近日,洲际酒店集团正式任命蔚厚杰(Mr. Bob Yu)先生为合肥融侨皇冠假日酒店行政总厨,他将全面负责酒店餐饮厨房的运营与管理工作。
蔚厚杰先生来自南京,入行以来,师从多位名厨,先后任职于南京珍珠VOCO酒店、南京长江之舟华邑酒店、北京中信金陵饭店、南京侨鸿皇冠假日酒店等国际知名酒店。他匠心专注烹饪25年,将热情与执着二字深刻地注入所爱的餐饮领域, 秉承“尊重食材自然本味”的理念,用心烹调,将自己独特的见解和大胆的创意融汇进一道道作品中,用厨艺体现出食材的价值。
Recently, InterContinental Hotels Group has appointed Mr. Bob Yu as the Executive chef Crowne Plaza Hefei Rongqiao,He will be fully responsible for the operation and management of the hotel's catering kitchen.
Mr. Bob Yu comes from Nanjing and has studied under several renowned chefs since joining the industry. He has worked at internationally renowned hotels such as Voco Hotels Nanjing, Hualuxe Hotels Nanjing, Jing Ling Hotel Beijing, and Rowne Plaza Hotels Nanjing. He has been dedicated to cooking with craftsmanship for 25 years, deeply injecting passion and persistence into his beloved catering field. Adhering to the concept of "respecting the natural taste of ingredients", he carefully cooks and blends his unique insights and bold creativity into his works, using his culinary skills to reflect the value of ingredients.
I believe Mr. Bob Yu can fully utilize his experience and talent, leading the catering and kitchen team to continuously improve and innovate, integrating local Anhui cuisine into their creations, and presenting guests with a unique culinary journey.
丁秀国先生近日,丁秀国先生(Peter Ding)被任命为江门富力万达嘉华酒店西餐行政总厨。履新后,他将负责江门富力万达嘉华酒店美食汇全日餐厅的出品和厨房运营管理工作,精细菜品及服务,为宾客创造出难以忘怀的舌尖美味。