
Lee Wong | Sherry Chen Event Talking Points

发表于 2023-1-10 23:37:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



I’m from a sleepy town in Ohio. But this is no sleepy when it comes to politics and ideologies. This is the Crossroads of America, where the Yankees meet the southerners and the East meet the West. Both Vincent Chin and Sherry Chen cases were heard right where here in Cincinnati, Ohio.




Chinese Americans hold up strong traditional values. I served the US Army for 20 years and served the community as an elected official for 5

consecutive terms. But then the “Model Minority” stereotype hurts our community.




We are living in a world of turbulences. Nationalism and racism are on the rise. Our Asian American community suffered the most in economic crisis and geopolitical conflicts. Hate speech and violence targeting our community members have gone up sharply since the pandemic.


I’m thankful for the support by the community and I’m always compelled to stand out and voice my concern as an elected official and a veteran when

justice is needed. 


At a township meeting, I stuck my neck out for the Asian community and condemn racism to protect our community from being further abused. Many echoed my message with strong feelings and emotions.


We shall never forget what happened to the Chinese throughout the history. The Mongols killed 70+ million Chinese. The Manchurians killed 100+

million Chinese. The Japanese killed 12 million Chinese in WWII. The Indonesian killed 1+ million just half a century ago. The atrocities we have

suffered are ten times more than those of the Jews.




But the Chinese community remain fragmented and divided, with immigrants coming from all sorts of different background. Sometimes the worst attacks came from members of our own community. 


What can we learn from the Jewish community? Not just protecting each other, but also lifting each other up.


I get involved in three things only: election, economic development, and mentoring; through my political campaigns, Chinese Chamber of Commerce membership, and youth leadership coaching.


How to Get Involved

有钱出钱 有力出力

The Chinese Chamber is staffed with a dedicated Executive Director and volunteers. Join the chamber!

Students & Young Professionals| 学生与青年

Volunteers are welcome in many action filled committees.

Small and Medium Enterprises| 中小企业主

Year round programs and events to promote and network.

Fortune 1000’s| 百强企业

Business development, community outreach, and social responsibility initiatives to stay connected .

Sustain Empower Inspire

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