
CDF之声 | 爱特思集团CEO奥斯卡·加西亚·马塞拉斯:以数字化和可持续为支柱实现转型

发表于 2022-4-7 18:51:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“CDF之声”(CDF Voice)栏目旨在汇聚关注、支持和参与论坛的重要商业领袖,向国内公众和国际社会传递论坛与会代表心声。




今天做客CDF之声的是爱特思集团CEO奥斯卡·加西亚·马塞拉斯(Óscar García Maceiras)













这种数字化转型让我们推进了循环经济模式,也让我们强有力的可持续发展承诺取得了实质进展,这一理念深深植入于我们所有的进程和决策中。我们将在2040年实现碳净零排放,今年,我们50%的服装都将贴上我们的JOIN LIFE标签,用以标记我们最可持续性的产品。我们渴望帮助我们的行业转型。





Dear all, My name is Óscar García Maceiras and I am Inditex’s CEO. It is an honor to join the China Development Forum 2022. 

I really miss not being now with you all; but hope to be there soon to meet our beloved teams of over 7,000 people, once the sanitary situation allows us to do so. 

The pandemic of Covid 19 has continued to punish the population around the world and we are at a key moment to overcome this global crisis. Accordingly, all the economic sectors must work closer than ever to get trust back as the basis of business activity. 

At Inditex, one of the world's largest fashion retailers, trust is based on an open dialogue with customers in over 200 markets. This is the essence of our high-quality fashion proposal; and only by preserving our values we will keep adapting to this context of accelerated change. 

Flexibility, innovation, teamwork and non-conformism are our most relevant assets since the company was founded in 1975. Our efforts are on fostering these attributes. I firmly believe these solid values will take us lead our own transformation, based on the pilars of digitalization and sustainability. 

The pandemic has shown new ways of interacting with customers, and they demand new shopping experiences and new ways of relating to us. Borders between the digital world and the physical world have disappeared. And we are only at the beginning. The virtual world is going to occupy more physical space, while we are physically going to be able to enter virtual worlds unknown so far.

That is why we are broadening our digital strategy, investing in larger and higher-tech stores, and promoting new innovations. For instance, our flagships in Wangfujing Beijing and Taikoo Li in Chengdu -both over 2,000 square meters- are a good example of multi-functionality integrated with our online offer. Starting with a unified vision of our stock management, we conceive the integration of stores and online operations as the best way towards a unique and excellent customer experience, based on mutual trust. We are now exploring new innovative services as the virtual fitting rooms, for example. 

This digital transformation is letting us advance also to a circular economy model and progress in the achievement of our strong sustainability commitments, that are embedded into all our processes and decisions. We will achieve net zero emissions in 2040 and, this year, 50% of all our garments will have our Join Life label, which differentiates our most sustainable products. We aspire to help in the transformation of our industry.  

Our aim is to keep creating economic, social and environmental value. And the good news is that we are not alone in this purpose. For example, in the field of our environmental approach, we are closely cooperating with partners in China as the Chinese Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, the China Carbon Neutrality Forum or Tsinghua University, among many others.

We apply this same joint effort in our community investment model. In China, we have been working on the ground with more than 15 social entities for the last 18 years. We are constantly exploring new projects with an innovative approach. An example is the recent one with the China Women’s Development Foundation to support handcraft industry, helping them to protect and carry forward its development potential.

With no doubt, the future holds many opportunities to maximize the value generation for all our stakeholders.You can trust that all of us at Inditex will face whatever challenge with enthusiasm and responsibility, as a driving force for our whole sector.

Thank you very much. 

整理 - 佳琪








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