

发表于 2023-9-11 17:55:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  1. Check-in - 登记入住

  2. Reservation - 预订

  3. Guest - 客人

  4. Passport - 护照

  5. Identification - 身份证明

  6. Room key - 房间钥匙

  7. Registration card - 登记卡

  8. Luggage - 行李

  9. Bellboy - 行李员

  10. Confirmation - 确认

  11. Departure - 离店

  12. Upgrade - 升级

  13. Amenities - 酒店设施

  14. Concierge - 门房

  15. Credit card - 信用卡


对话 1 - 预订:

员工:Good morning. How can I assist you today?

客人:I have a reservation under the name Smith.

员工:Certainly, Mr. Smith. Could you please provide your passport or ID for verification?

客人:Here you go.

员工:Thank you. We have you booked for a deluxe room with a king-size bed. Is that correct?

客人:Yes, that's correct.

对话 2 - 登记入住:

员工:Welcome to our hotel, Mr. Smith. May I have your passport, please?

客人:Sure, here it is.

员工:Thank you. Could you also provide a credit card for incidental charges?

客人:Of course, here's my credit card.

员工:Great. I'll need you to fill out this registration card with your contact information.



  1. "Welcome to [Hotel Name]. How can I assist you today?"

    • "欢迎光临[酒店名称]。我今天能为您做些什么呢?"

  2. "May I have your passport or identification for verification?"

    • "请给我您的护照或身份证明以供核实好吗?"

  3. "We have you booked for a [room type]. Is that correct?"

    • "我们已经为您预订了一间[房型]。是这样吗?"

  4. "Could you please provide a credit card for any incidental charges?"

    • "您可以提供一张信用卡以支付额外费用吗?"

  5. "I'll need you to fill out this registration card with your contact information."

    • "我需要您填写这张登记卡,包括您的联系信息。"


  1. 模拟情景:客人预订了一间套房。请用英语向客人确认预订,并询问是否需要安排接机服务。

  2. 模拟情景:客人提供了护照和信用卡,但是信用卡被拒绝了。请用英语向客人解释情况并提供其他支付选项。

  3. 模拟情景:客人要求升级房间类型。请用英语告知客人可用的升级选项和费用。

  4. 模拟情景:客人要求提前退房。请用英语告知客人关于退房手续和可能的费用。

  5. 模拟情景:客人的行李丢失了。请用英语向客人道歉并提供帮助寻找行李的信息。

  1. 模拟情景:客人预订了一间套房。

  2. 请用英语向客人确认预订,并询问是否需要安排接机服务。

  3. 员工:Good day, Mr. Smith. I hope you are well. I wanted to confirm your reservation for the suite you booked. Is there anything else we can assist you with during your stay? Additionally, would you like us to arrange airport transportation for you?

  4. 模拟情景:客人提供了护照和信用卡,但是信用卡被拒绝了。

  5. 请用英语向客人解释情况并提供其他支付选项。

    员工:I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Smith. It seems that there was an issue with your credit card authorization. Is there another credit card you would like to use, or would you prefer to pay with cash?

  6. 模拟情景:客人要求升级房间类型。

  7. 请用英语告知客人可用的升级选项和费用。

    员工:Certainly, Mr. Smith. We do have some fantastic upgrade options available. We can offer you a Deluxe Suite for an additional $100 per night or a Presidential Suite for an additional $200 per night. Which one would you prefer?

  8. 模拟情景:客人要求提前退房。请用英语告知客人关于退房手续和可能的费用。

    员工:Of course, Mr. Smith. We can certainly assist you with an early checkout. Please be aware that there may be an early departure fee, and we kindly request that you inform us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any charges. Is there a specific time you'd like to check out?

  9. 模拟情景:客人的行李丢失了。

  10. 请用英语向客人道歉并提供帮助寻找行李的信息。

    员工:I'm deeply sorry to hear that your luggage is missing, Mr. Smith. We will do everything we can to assist you in locating it. Could you please provide us with a detailed description of your luggage, and do you have any baggage claim ticket or identification tags that may help us in the search? We'll immediately start the process to locate your belongings and keep you updated on our progress.





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