
Points to Note after Getting the China Permanent R

发表于 2023-3-22 09:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Points to Note after Getting the China Permanent Residence Card

China Visa

CN Green Ccard

WFOE Setup

Oversea Service

1. The China Permanent Residence Card is a legal identity document for foreigners who have obtained the status of permanent residence in China to stay in China and can be used separately. It can be used directly to purchase air tickets, high-speed train tickets, etc.


2. Foreigners who have been granted permanent residence status in China do not need a visa to enter or leave the country, but they must use their permanent residence card and passport together. The permanent residence card is only an identification document within China, so a passport is still required when you are outside of China or when you are involved outside of China.

2. 获得在中国永久居留资格的外籍人士在出入中国国境时,虽然无需签证且不限次数,但需中国永久居留身份证和护照同时使用。永居卡仅为中国境内的身份证明文件,所以在境外或涉及境外时,仍需提供护照

3. Foreign nationals who have been granted permanent residence status in China may use their Chinese Permanent Resident Identity Card to stay in hotels and hostels without having to check in advance whether they can be accommodated in hotels and hostels, and must cooperate with the accommodation procedures. However, if you live or stay in a residence other than a hotel or guesthouse, you are still required to report to the public security authorities of your place of residence for temporary accommodation registration within 24 hours of your arrival. Those responsible for not declaring accommodation registration to the public security authorities or staying overnight without a valid ID card will still be punished with a warning or fine in accordance with the law, even if the foreigner is granted permanent residence status in China.

3. 获得在中国永久居留资格的外籍人士无需提前确认酒店旅馆是否能接待,亦可使用中国永久居留身份证在酒店旅馆住宿,并需配合办理住宿手续。但在酒店旅馆以外其他住所居住或者住宿的,仍需在入住后24小时内向居住地公安机关申报临时住宿登记。不向公安机关申报住宿登记或者留宿未持有效证件外籍人士的责任者,即便该外籍人士获得在中国永久居留资格,仍将被依法处以警告或罚款处罚。

4. The Chinese permanent resident identity card is valid for five or ten years and must be renewed no later than one month before its expiration date. If the document is damaged or lost, you must apply for renewal or replacement in a timely manner.

4.中国永久居留身份证的有效期为五年或者十年,需要在证件有效期满前1 个月以内申请换发。如遇证件损坏或者遗失的,需要及时申请换发或者补发。

5. Foreigners who are approved to reside permanently in China shall not stay in China for less than three months per year after obtaining permanent residence status. If the foreigner cannot stay in China for a total of three months per year due to practical needs, he/she must be approved by the public security department or bureau of the province/autonomous region/municipality directly under the Central Government where he/she is permanently residing, but he/she must stay in China for a total period of not less than one year within five years. Failure to meet the residency requirement may result in the cancellation of the permanent resident card status in China.



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