
积分即将清零|会员积分怎么用? What Can You Do with Membership Po

发表于 2023-1-14 15:12:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
积分即将清零|会员积分怎么用? What Can You Do with Membership Points?


What are membership points?




The class booking system will automatically generate membership points based on purchases starting from 1st January untill 31st Dec. For membership points generated in 2022, the system automatically clears all points on 28th Feb 2023.  Please follow below steps to redeem your products or get in touch with F45 Customer Service WeChat before 28th Jan, and we will help you convert the points to a coupon or prepare the products for redemption.



You will get 15 points when you book and scan to check in in class.


Don’t forget to check in!


How to check the points?




Have you been checking into classes in time

 and make those 45 minutes productive?

How many member points 

have you added to your membership?


点击进入“F45 SeaWorld” 微信公众号。点击“约课BOOK" 进入约课系统

Click and enter 'F45 SeaWorld' official account. Then click '约课BOOK' to enter the booking system.




Choose the language, then click on 'Me'.




Then, you will see the number of classes attended and the membership points.


Kindly note that due to the booking system upgrade, for members that joined before 18 July 2022, please contact F45 Customer Service WeChat to check the correct membership points and the number of classes attended.


How to redeem the points?


Option 1 - Redeem cash vouchers for membership payment


100会员积分 = 10 元现金劵

200会员积分 = 20 元现金劵

300会员积分 = 30 元现金劵


1000会员积分 = 100 元现金劵

10000会员积分 = 1000 元现金劵



As a result of this year's epidemic, especially the outbreak at the end of the year, we want to give our members more convenience and more benefits. Therefore, in addition to redeeming products, this year's membership points can also be converted into cash vouchers for membership purchases.

100 Points = 10 RMB Cash Voucher

200 Points = 20 RMB Cash Voucher

300 Points = 30 RMB Cash Voucher


1000 Points = 100 RMB Cash Voucher

10000 Points = 1000 RMB Cash Voucher


*Cash voucher redemption starts at 100 points, and every 100 points can be redeemed for 10 RMB.


Option 2 - Redeem for products


您可以根据以上步骤查看会员积分, 并在“商店” 里面进行兑换。可使用积分兑换的商品,在右上角有表有“积” 字样和所需积分。

You can check available points as per the steps above and redeem them in the 'Store'. Products that can be redeemed with points are marked with 'points needed' next to the prices.



选择好所需兑换的商品后,点“+”加入购物车,再点击“选好了” ,然后在支付方式里选择“积分支付”即可。您下次到店锻炼时,工作人会提前为您准备好所选商品。

Once you decide which product you would like to redeem, click '+' sign to put it into the basket then click the blue button on the bottom left corner. Then choose membership points redeem (3rd option on the dropdown list)  as the payment method. Now you are all set, when you come to the Studio next time, we will have the product ready for you.



*Items available for redemption may vary due to availability.


*Redeemed products are not eligable for exchange or refund.


Let's Celebration Together!!

我们与您一路同行,我们希望与您一起庆祝每一个里程碑。当您达到 100、200、300、400 或更多课程时,请务必提醒我们。我们为您准备了特别的礼品!

We are with you every step of the way and we want to celebrate every milestone with you. Be sure to remind us when you hit 100, 200, 300, 400 classes or more. We have special gifts for you!

Welcome to the Hundred's Club

团队训练, 人生改变

Team Training, Life Changing

商家推广合作 Partner Collaboration 

加盟咨询服务 Franchise Consultant Service 

We Are Hiring 加入我们

1.招聘优秀健身教练 Coach

2.西餐沙拉厨师 Chef

3.咖啡师 Barista 

About F45 & F45 Shekou/ Sea World


F45 Training is an Australian workout sensation combining HIIT and circuit training. The F45 Program is guaranteed to lower body fat percentage and build lean muscle.



Being the biggest F45 studio in Shenzhen, F45 Shekou/ Sea world locates in the heart of the Shekou Nanshan area, provides members with not only fun and exciting group/personal training, but also healthy food and drink options (salad bar soon to be available), as well as an outdoor terrace for members and guests to chill, work or hang out before or after workouts.


F45 Sea World 

地址: 广东省深圳市南山区太子路71号振新大厦C座三楼4室

F45 Sea World Add: 3/F, Block C, Zhengxing Building, No. 71, Taizi Road, Xhaoshang Street, Seaworld Shekou


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