Quality Engineer),他这次是到苏州新区一家台湾代工厂做现场的问题处理。他住苏州园区的W酒店,市面价是1200元/晚,这是我们公司住宿标准的3倍,我惊呆了。餐补好像是实报实销,上限300,具体记不清了,苹果的SQE可以补充哈…其实做SQE,出差的各种政策也是一种福利,如果公司好,你可以在旅途中顺便享受一下顶级的住宿,餐饮,交通;如果公司不好,出差将成为一种负担,住不好,吃不顺,就连打车都要思考距离,这将无形中消耗你巨大的能量!如果出差能顺便享受下苏州W酒店的服务,那你绝对盼着出差,供应商一丁点儿风吹草动,你都会拎起皮箱奔赴甜蜜的战场,因为出差是公司给员工的福利!我们公司现在的出差政策是:住宿,一线北上广深500元,其他400元;餐饮实报实销,上限100元;高铁二等座,飞机经济舱;出差地打车没有限制!我觉得还好~俗话说将在外,君命有所不授!如果掣肘太多,属实让员工耗神,费力,还怎么跟供应商真枪实弹地火拼?条件允许,我建议公司能对SQE的差旅福利大方一点~ 你们公司的出差政策是怎么定义的?来,说出来,让大家见见世面~某水果公司PQE JD,看看你有没有在出差期间入住W酒店的能力:Product Quality EngineerNanshan, Guangdong, China|Operations and Supply Chain Key Qualifications:Minimum of 7 to 10 Years experience in Manufacturing Environment. Demonstrated technical skills including experience and understanding of Assembly, Test and Pack-out processes. In depth knowledge in quality methodologies with command of tools including statistical analysis, DOE, FMEA etc. Highly motivated and ability to drive closure of issues across cultures. Strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to concisely understand and communicate issues and lead a team to solution are required. Ability to multi-task, balancing daily activities with project related activities. Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English. Person with high passion and energy. Experience of working in consumer goods industry where cosmetic quality is as critical as functionality. Experience of display or display integration manufacturing/ quality management. Experience of managing manufacturing process of manual assembly, semi-auto and auto assembly. Knowledge of shop floor control is a plus
. Description:Focus on a few specific products made by Apple's manufacturing partners in China. The person will need to develop a close working relationship with our manufacturing partners. -Interface and coordinate work activities between Quality and other team members. Uses production and field data to monitor, control and improve product quality to improve the yield and reduce the field return rate. Execute the Product Quality plans for new products at the manufacturing partners and manage the product quality at the sites. Perform Audits at the manufacturing partners to ensure compliance. Ensure lessons learned from prior projects are used to improve the quality management process, and lead to improved product quality and reliability. Be responsible for implementing quality systems and following through on improvements and corrective actions.
Education & Experience:Bachelor or Master of Engineering majored in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Automation