
CDF之声 | 宝马集团董事长齐普策:中国有着宝马除德国以外最大的海外研发网络

发表于 2022-4-19 16:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“CDF之声”(CDF Voice)栏目旨在汇聚关注、支持和参与论坛的重要商业领袖,向国内公众和国际社会传递论坛与会代表心声。




今天做客CDF之声的是宝马集团董事长齐普策(Oliver Zipse)















宝马并没有止步于此,而是积极探索同中国科技公司和初创企业开展合作,共同推动数字化转型。宝马同诚迈科技组建的合资公司宝马诚迈信息技术有限公司即是一个例证。“家在中国”对宝马而言绝非空洞的口号。宝马iX3在中国生产并出口至全球就是 “行胜于言” 的绝佳范例。




Ladies and Gentlemen,


The spirit of the China Development Forum has always been to look ahead, to grasp opportunities and to shape the future. Industry at a global level is in the middle of a massive transformation, And one of the central challenges is to combine economic growth and prosperity with climate protection and sustainability.


This applies especially to the automotive industry.The BMW Group has always stood for free trade.International cooperation and the further opening of markets are the only way to solve current problems and to overcome future challenges. We should remove barriers, not create them. We should open up, not close off. We should seek integration and avoid further decoupling.This is specifically important for topics such as sustainability, digitalization, and the electrification of individual mobility.


We all share the same goal of effectively combating climate change. The BMW Group is fully committed to the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement. Achieving carbon neutrality and pushing circularity is not only our mission but it is our responsibility. This strategic approach aligns perfectly with China’s green development plan and “dual carbon” goals that we fully support.


And, we have always shown: at the BMW Group we deliver, what we promise. China is a global pacesetter in many fields. What moves this country today will drive the world tomorrow. For exactly this reason, the BMW Group is ramping up its investment and expanding its footprint in China. Just as we promised. Some projects are even ahead of schedule.


Just to name a few facts, which underscore our commitment:

- Our largest R&D footprint outside of Germany is in China.

- -More than 83 billion RMB has been invested into the BMW production network in Shenyang since 2010.

- This year, alone in Shenyang we are opening a state-of-the-art new plant in Tiexi and a massive plant extension in Dadong.

- In addition to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenyang we further extended our R&D network to Nanjing in 2021.


And we strive for more. That’s why we are actively exploring cooperation with Chinese technology companies and start-ups to drive digital transformation. The Joint Venture BA TechWorks between BMW and ArcherMind is just one example. “At home in China” is more than only a slogan for us. The recent export success of the BMW iX3 from China to world markets underlines this approach.


2022 is the Year of the Tiger. The tiger embodies courage and bravery.In this spirit I am confident that the new year will also symbolize resilience and strength with many opportunities to grow and succeed. 2022 also marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-German diplomatic relations. It is our firm conviction that in the future close bilateral ties are key to our success.  


The BMW Group truly welcomes the activities of the Chinese government to further open up its market. The recent extension of our BBA joint venture contract sends a positive signal conveying China’s opening-up policy. A Chinese proverb recommends to “add wings to the tiger” and to “act with the strength and courage of the tiger” to overcome all obstacles on our way forward.


In this sense let us join together with full confidence to deepen our ties for a shared future. I am looking forward to participating in the 2022 China Development Forum. Thank you!

整理 - 泽宇








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