
梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)限时精品店8月1日登陆中免集团三亚国际免税城(中英文

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梵克雅宝(Van Cleef & Arpels)限时精品店8月1日登陆中免集团三亚国际免税城(中英文)




DFE| 行业新闻


8月1日,历峰集团旗下法国顶级珠宝世家Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝免税限时精品店正式登陆中免集团三亚国际免税城,从即日起至2022年3月31日,Van Cleef & Arpel梵克雅宝携手中免集团将为国内外游客送上专属三亚的“幸运祝福”。

值得注意的是,随着此次Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝“Alhambra幸运花园”免税限时精品店成功登陆三亚国际免税城,Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝三亚首家免税旗舰店也将于今年年底正式入驻三亚国际免税城。此举不仅标志着中免集团与世家的合作进入新篇章,也是中免集团不断深化彼此间合作及在免税精品领域的又一次深耕。

对此,中免集团表示:“过往中免集团与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝母公司历峰集团保持了良好的合作关系,包括Watches & Wonders在内的一系列活动为促进海南旅游市场和海南离岛免税业发展做出了贡献。世家自创立以来,凭借精湛的工艺和一系列经典设计备受全球消费者的钟爱,我们期待能与Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝建立更紧密的关系并开展更多深层次的合作,联手为消费者带来更好的服务和选择。”

Van Cleef & Arpels梵克雅宝“Alhambra幸运花园”免税限时精品店位于三亚国际免税城后广场。世家要员雅克.雅宝Jacques Arpels常言道:“心怀幸运之愿,方能成为幸运之士。”幸运是梵克雅宝一直以来十分珍视的价值,更是其创意灵感的泉源之一,因此限时精品店内部设计以世家标志性四叶幸运图案为主题,以延续这珍贵价值。

进店后,首先映入访客眼帘的将是Burcu & Geoffrey 这对法国和土耳其的导演拍档为Alhambra 特别创作的四叶图腾造型蝴蝶沿途散播幸运的种子,带领游客穿梭在幸运花园中,引领大众一同探索梦幻迷人的Alhambra 幸运花园, 为游客营造出一种舒适愉快的珠宝欣赏空间。

除设计独具匠心之外,梵克雅宝“幸运花园”限时精品店此次还为海内外游客带来了旗下多个系列精品。除具有代表性的Alhambra四叶幸运系列、Frivole系列、Perlée系列、Two Butterfly系列等,还有全球稀有款Poetic Complications™诗意复杂功能系列,Lady Arpels Pont des Amoureux情人桥腕表,以及一系列高级珠宝作品。



Van Cleef & Arpels’ Pop - Up Store Debuts in 

CDFG Sanya International Duty Free Shopping Complex

By virtue of the new policy of offshore duty free business in Hainan, Sanya has become one of the most popular travel and holiday resorts for domestic and foreign tourists, for they can enjoy the clear sky, white clouds, fresh coconuts, sea breeze and duty free shopping here. Apart from attracting tourists from all over the world, Sanya has also introduced many international luxury brands rapidly. On August 1, Van Cleef & Arpels, a luxury French jeweler under Richemont Group, officially opened its pop-up store in CDFG Sanya International Duty Free Shopping Complex. Van Cleef & Arpel will work with CDFG to deliver exclusive "lucky bless" to domestic and foreign tourists in Sanya from now until March 31, 2022.

It is worth noting that with the successful launch of the "Lucky Alhambra" duty free pop-up store in Sanya International Duty Free Shopping Complex, Van Cleef & Arpels will also officially launch its first duty free flagship store in Sanya at the end of this year. This not only marks a new chapter of the cooperation between CDFG and the world luxury jewelry brand Van Cleef & Arpels, but also demonstrates CDFG’s constantly deepening its cooperation with the luxury brand and further taping the field of duty free business.

"We have maintained a good cooperative relationship with Richemont Group, the parent company of Van Cleef & Arpels in the past. We conducted a series of promotion activities, including Watches & Wonders, which have contributed a lot to the development of the tourism market and offshore duty free business of Hainan. Since its establishment, Van Cleef & Arpels, with its exquisite craftsmanship and a series of classic designs, has been favored by consumers all over the world.  We look forward to establishing a closer relationship and deeper cooperation with Van Cleef & Arpels, so as to jointly provide better services and choices for consumers," said CDFG in this regard.

Van Cleef & Arpels' "Lucky Alhambra" pop-up duty free store is located in the rear square of Sanya International Duty Free Shopping Complex. Jacques Arpels, an important member of Van Cleef & Arpels, believes in “To be lucky, you must believe in luck”. Luck is a value that Van Cleef & Arpels has always cherished, and also one of the sources of its creative inspiration. Therefore, the pop-up store themed four-leaf clovers, the iconic pattern of Van Cleef & Arpels for its interior design, aiming to inherit the precious value. In the store, the first thing that catches visitors' eyes is a butterfly totem with a shape of four-leaf clovers and sowing lucky seeds along the path, which was specially created for Alhambra by Burcu & Geoffrey, a pair of partner directors, who come from France and Turkey, respectively. It will guide tourists to wander through Lucky Alhambra to explore the dreamy and charming atmosphere together, thus creating a comfortable and pleasant jewelry appreciation space for all of them.

In addition to the unique design, Jacques Arpels’"Lucky Alhambra" pop-up store also presents many series of exquisite products to tourists at home and abroad. Besides the representative Alhambra four-leaf clover Lucky series, Frivole series, Perlée series, and Two Butterfly series, there are also the world's rare Poetic Complications™ series, Lady Arpels Pont des Amoureux watch, and a series of high-quality jewelry works.

As the world's leading duty free operator, CDFG, with the strong support of its parent company, China Tourism Group, has continuously consolidated its five major capabilities in procurement, operation, channel expansion, digitalization and marketing, to strengthen its service quality and expand its market share. On the supply side, CDFG has successively established good cooperative relationship with more than 1,000 famous brands around the world, forming a two-way growth channel to horizontally expand brand range and vertically develop product categories, which accelerates its pace of expanding boutique brands and enriching popular categories. On the service side, CDFG has seized the opportunity of the new policy on offshore duty free business implemented in Hainan to constantly meet the new personalized needs of consumers by rapidly expanding the duty free business area, adding pop-up stores of new categories, increasing the business area for offshore goods pickup, and carrying out more marketing activities.

Nowadays, with the continuous release of the advantages of offshore duty free policy, Sanya has become not only a holiday paradise in the eyes of domestic and foreign tourists, but also one of the duty free markets highly pursued by domestic and foreign consumers. In the future, under the strong leadership of its parent company China Tourism Group, CDFG will continuously strengthen its communication with partners, synchronize the brands, varieties and prices of products with those of their origins, introduce more brands and limited products into the Chinese market, provide more preferential prices to meet the needs of Chinese consumers, and jointly promote the sustainable and vigorous development of the Hainan market through cooperation and innovation.




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