
Beauty Service @Catherine de France/CDF专业美容服务

发表于 2021-5-28 12:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

「CDF Beauty Lounge」
Catherine de France is proud to introduce our professional beauty service. Customers can enjoy the skincare consultation, facial treatment, massage, and waxing services in our beauty lounge. Every visit in our beauty lounge brings you into a level of relaxation beyond imagination. 

「Experienced beautician Linda」

Our well-trained-qualified beautician Linda takes good care of old and new customers in the pase few years. 

Linda began studying beauty services in 1992, now she has more than 20 years of experience. While working in The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street Spa and Fitness Center for 12 years, Linda was guest's favorite therapist. She cares a lot about her clients, even the smallest details, that is the reason why in 2014 she got to be a Five Star Employee of The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street Spa and Fitness Center. 


1992年Linda开始学习美容,至今已有超过20年的美容工作经验,能够专业地为不同肤质的客人选择适合的产品、护理方法和居家建议,使护理达到最好的效果,深受客人的喜爱和认可。 她曾在北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店水疗健身中心工作12年,期间被评为2014年年度五星员工。她的客人非常喜欢她专业的护理和细心周到的服务。 

「Spa collection - June Jacobs」

Catherine de France uses the professional spa collection of June Jacobs in our beauty lounge. For more than 30 years, world-renowned spa visionary and wellness expert June Jacobs has married cutting-edge science and the pure goodness of nature to formulate the perfect blend for spa treatments and products that enhance skin wellness. Relax and rejuvenate with her collection featuring botanical and tea extracts free of parabens, unnatural presevatives and synthetic fragrances. 

在过去的30多年,June Jacobs女士成为在世界享受盛誉的Spa和美容专家,她明白大家需要的是高品质且有针对性的护理,于是她创立了自己的同名护肤品牌June Jacobs。 这是一个拥有奢华、天然配方,并以即时和长效为导向的品牌。每个产品都含有June Jacobs抗氧化专利配方(三茶三果)并保证所有June Jacobs产品均不含对羟基苯甲酸酯(防腐剂)或合成物质(非天然合成物)。

「Customer Positive Feedback」
We received loads of positive feedback of our beauty service every week. The quality of service meets always the customer's expectations. 

Discover more special offer, please click "Read the original article" at the end of page. 


Catherine de France team,
“The choice is yours, the art is ours!”

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