
C. de France salon on magazine Mlle Adèle/CDF法国雷恩店

发表于 2021-5-18 20:45:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
C. de France salon on magazine Mlle Adèle/CDF法国雷恩店杂志报道

C. de France salon is on the latest publish of fashion magazine Mlle Adèle in France. In China and in France, Catherine de France is always gaining its popularity. 
C. de France法国雷恩沙龙登上了法国本土时尚杂志Mlle Adèle的最新刊。在中国与法国,Catherine de France越来越受欢迎。
French Magazine Mlle Adèle
Here is one translated paragraph from the article of salon C. de France on Mlle Adèle :
"C. de France, new beauty salon in Rennes 
She opened Jacques Dessange salons in Paris, Budapest, Moscow, Hong-Kong ; her salon in Beijing has been elected, each year since 2014, the best hairsalon for expats. After the success of the salon Saint-Grégoire, C de France also called Catherine Colin, continues to expand and opens a new hairdressing salon on Rue de l'Alma in Rennes. From the general women beauty, men hairstyle to barber, C. de France pays particular attention to yours wishes for an un paralleled hair and asthetic experience." 
C. de France team in salon Alma 
她前后在巴黎、布达佩斯、莫斯科、香港都开过Jacques Dessange美发沙龙;她在北京的美发沙龙Catherine de France自2014年起连续被评为北京外籍人士最喜爱沙龙。继雷恩Saint-Grégoire沙龙取得成功后,C. de France的主理人Catherine Colin进一步扩张事业版图,在雷恩市中心开设了Alma沙龙。店内提供的服务涵盖女性美容美发、男士美发理发,C. de France聆听客户对美容美发的需求,满足客户对追求美感的期望。
C. de France team in salon Alma 
text credits : mlle adèle

Catherine de France team,
“The choice is yours, the art is ours!”

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